【お知らせ】ソーシャルコマース支援サービス『FOR SURE(フォーシュア)』がビジネス特許を取得! “好き” という価値観で繋がる「C(インフルエンサー)to C(消費者)」のお買い物サービス

[リデル] [画像: https://prtimes.jp/i/11944/284/resize/d11944-284-223528-0.png ] インフルエンサーたちが、本当に “好き” な商品の魅力を伝えるソーシャルコマース支援サービス この度、『FOR SURE(フォ… Source link

How Grey Bandit Used Influencer Marketing To Reach $5 Million In Sales

Courtney and Lindsey Glasser Photo via Grey Bandit Lindsey and Courtney Glasser founded Grey Bandit shortly after finishing their undergraduate education in 2017 along with their triplet Robert Glasser. Less than four years later their post-college project is a multi-million dollar business, hitting $5 million in sales last week — thanks to influencer marketing. Grey Bandit,…