インスタグラム から TikTok へ:「インフルエンサー」マーケティング勢力図に変化の兆し

インフルエンサーマーケティングの勢力図に変化が起きようとしている。インスタグラムのインフルエンサーよりも、TikTokのクリエイターをキャンペーンに(インフルエンサーとして)起用するブランドが増えているのだ。そしてこの傾向は、特にZ世代をターゲットとするブランドに強い。 The post インスタグラム から TikTok へ:「インフルエンサー」マーケティング勢力図に変化の兆し appeared first on DIGIDAY[日本版]. Source link

Helpful Tips For Choosing The Perfect Social Media Influencer For Your Brand

Social media influencer marketing is a powerful digital marketing strategy that can create quick sales conversions, increase brand visibility and drive genuine engagement for your company. Influencers are people who affect and inspire others through social media platforms. Companies can work with influencers to build name recognition and brand awareness among consumers through the already…

The State Of Influencer Marketing: Top Insights For 2022

Co-founder and CEO of SocialPubli, an award-winning influencer marketing platform with 200,000+ opt-in influencers across 35 countries. getty During the past two years, we’ve learned to be quick on our feet and adjust to the unknown. When the pandemic struck, for example, the influencer marketing industry was uncertain about its potential effect on both creators and brands. Nearly two years…

10 Influencer KPIs to Monitor

Influencer marketing is one of the most effective marketing channels. At least 90% of the Influencer Marketing Hub survey respondents believe it. Many B2C brands use influencer marketing as a part of their marketing activities. Nothing is surprising about that. Collaborations with popular bloggers in your niche often perform better than regular posts and ads…